I have finished my bagel free week for November. A new bagel hunt must be soon! 🏹🏹🏹🥯🥯🥯☕ #bagelry
I have told many friends about this place recently. I hope a few make it. #CoSoNauts
High five! 🙏 #youtube #CoSoMusic #Beck #catskills
Okay why is this, 🙏 not a high five? It even shows up if I search for "high five" in the emoji search box. #CosoQuestions
@ToruOkada so did I. Maybe it's a translation error?
@7thWave waving hello?
I am very proud of my signed copy of this. #youtubeMusic #LazloHollyfeld #CoSoMusic https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lQc5hFNybhmNsiCDuxNmOXTJ4Z0TWNxTM&si=iqLaYWvV68dOacGk
@00pi drug companies wouldn't want to have to deal with 50 different policies tho. I doubt it will happen.
So will states have to have their own version of the FDA? #politics
@singlemaltgirl can conservatives ever pass laws that would improve anything?
@singlemaltgirl I suspect they feel like their vote is between keeping things as is or what they perceive as shaking up the system, but they don't realize voting repub isn't actually shaking up the system. It is a weird irony or something? I mean they call themselves conservatives. And addin a whole bunch of ignorance you get hate and fear, which are motivating.
So we collectively don't watch the next Paul fight then? #Netflix
Is it over yet? Who won who lost? #Netflix
I kind of suspect some of this is staged/scripted because why not? #Netflix #TysonVsPaul
• Bearded scientist with a whiteboard
• slurpee&coffee&homebrew&brunch