A very interesting variation on Franklin's glass harmonica - the Cristal Baschet. The metal resonators make all the difference.

@grapho @voltronic @corlin @zephtx Here's another amazing performance on the Cristal Baschet.
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, first movement. youtu.be/WbIj40ZEF0s

@peterquirk @voltronic @corlin @zephtx

one of the fascinating things about this instrument is the very physics of it.

it sounds like a moog synthesizer. but in actuality, you need to actually touch the rods [which need to be made of actual crystal i guess] and your fingertips need to be moistened with actual water.

@grapho @peterquirk @voltronic @zephtx
But the most astonishing thing is the amplification, and the standing wave, interference, that gives that sound…


@corlin @grapho @voltronic @zephtx It's probably not a coincidence that the Moonlight Sonata was played close to a solid concrete wall to enhance the interference.

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