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@Still_Angry_Gardener @emptywheel also @Popehat (similarly limited posts so far)... hope he comes here... love his analysis and POV

@Still_Angry_Gardener Thank you! I found Empty Wheel at @emptywheel but they haven't posted anything really (focusing on Mastodon for now (which I have tried but really don't like/get)

@CathSterner sorry that's happening... Honestly, it seems like a fairly chill space (but I've only been here a hot minute). Stay and make it better :)

@FrankCannon LOLOL Honestly, I've been here barely longer than 5 minutes, but after the visual learning curve, I've got to say it's pretty cool :)

So what's everyone's predictions for when DOJ charges trump for the document thefts? IMHO they'll do it and they already have enough evidence but

1. DOJ has clearly decided to wait until after the election so Nov 9 at earliest.

2. DOJ is compelling Kash to testify so will they wait for that plus thorough follow-up? How long?

My hope: Nov 21

@justinarticulate IMHO no chance they indict prior to Nov 9... I also think it's a thin window given that indicting TFG after he declares for 24 will be fraught with danger... Hopefully they move fast.

Here following @joshtpm... trying to build out a list of people to follow... Please @ME with your recommendations... would love a less garbage alternative experience to shwitter

Mo Husseini

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