On Election Day Eve, I am grateful to live in a state that assumes MAIL-IN-VOTING as a starting place (I think you can vote in person but I never have)... it creates access and opportunity for all voices to be heard!

I just saw the results of a poll on here that I voted in re: Pineapple on pizza... The "Yes" contingent was victorious. My belief in the future of mankind is shaken to the core.

@th3j35t3r Thanks for building this! It's kinda sorta f## awesome

So what's everyone's predictions for when DOJ charges trump for the document thefts? IMHO they'll do it and they already have enough evidence but

1. DOJ has clearly decided to wait until after the election so Nov 9 at earliest.

2. DOJ is compelling Kash to testify so will they wait for that plus thorough follow-up? How long?

My hope: Nov 21

Here following @joshtpm... trying to build out a list of people to follow... Please @ME with your recommendations... would love a less garbage alternative experience to shwitter

Mo Husseini

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