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Good morning, CoSo! Who's up at this ungodly hour?

i just want to note that it's bad teachers that might make algebra & history "dry & uninspiring"...


Back in the day, I was a killer at "Major Havoc". I'd go to the same arcade in Times Square once a week, and blow everyone who wasn't me off the "Top Ten" list until every entry was "MCF".

Selling autographed CDs alongside Jon St. John at the "Let's Play Gaming Expo" in Arlington, TX (2018).

Yours truly, pictured with my all-time favorite arcade game, Bosconian. I used to hold the city-wide record on this game in Austin, TX in 1982.

Nota bene:

If I don't get back to you (respond, favorite your post, whatever) within a reasonable amount of time and you're expecting a response, it means one of the following:

1. I've simply chosen not to respond. (rude but intentional, less likely)
2. My internet is out. (not likely)
3. I've been called away. (less likely)
4. I've suddenly fallen asleep. (more likely)

Number 4 happens due to the medicines I'm on. I apologize in advance for it, as well as for numbers 2 and 3.

Good morning, CoSo! It feels good to have hauled myself out to face yet another day. 😂

The life of a morning traffic reporter:

Nothing happening
Nothing happening
Nothing happening
Nothing happening
Nothing happening
(sun comes up)

Good morning, CoSo.

I am supping on hot chocolate and Tylenol in an attempt to get rid of an almost-migraine headache.

If these don't work, I'm calling out the big Qulipta guns.

Oww oww oww oww oww.

Greetings, @th3j35t3r ! How goes it this evening, aside from the occasional dick pic?

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Capt. Greybeard Jackson

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.