@Autumn They finally stopped setting off mortars at 1AM because we had a thunderstorm and it rained sideways.

I haven't heard anything tonight...yet. And it's already dark.

Maybe they ran out.

PS: It's illegal to set off fireworks in my county. Not like that has ever stopped them, but I'm just saying.

President Biden @POTUS

Earlier I spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss ongoing efforts to finalize a deal that would result in a ceasefire together with the release of hostages – a deal that I have outlined and is endorsed by the UN Security Council, the G7, and countries around the world.

@lfrum um....large goats? Alpacas, I know you have. I have a friend who lives N of Portland who had 2, and got them from a local guy who had a farm full.

1,111 4/6


*does the Carlton*

@BrightEyedDyer Yvw. I have made a couple pairs of that pattern myself, so it popped out at me right away. :D

@WDEFAustenOnek I remember my Atmos Sci advisor telling me that the most important thing to do when giving a forecast was this:

Before opening your mouth, go look out of a window.

@kismatt So strange, innit?

I'm saying. We don't need some novel solution to unf*ck SCOTUS. We just need to look a lot more closely into what's already there.

@ellesu PS: If you can, I'd recc the app! It'll give you a list of the sale items for this week and next.

@ellesu remember that official restock day is Wednesday, but a lot of them will have this week's and next week's stuff overlap on Tuesday. I like Aldi.

@kel I also what to know how Justice Beer has suddenly no debt. Huh.

@kel we should also not have the bull**** of We Can't Place A Justice In An Election Year OMGWTFBBQ crap that we got from the Turtle. That sh*t don't float.

@HaikuHedgehog Hehehe. There was another one that went thru KC just in the last day or so. I've seen them going eastbound across the swing bridge at Fort Madison very late at night (like that one was), and it's amazing how long those cars are and how they can move with such a long load. :)

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