Day two of aholes blowing up things for hours on end. Undoubtedly the same exact aholes who were screaming at how we shouldn’t celebrate Pride. 🤦🏻‍♀️


@Autumn They finally stopped setting off mortars at 1AM because we had a thunderstorm and it rained sideways.

I haven't heard anything tonight...yet. And it's already dark.

Maybe they ran out.

PS: It's illegal to set off fireworks in my county. Not like that has ever stopped them, but I'm just saying.

@kismatt They went for about 2 hours yesterday until the rain started. No rain in the forecast, it’s Friday and they started over an hour ago so I’m guessing we will continue to have to listen to it for at least the next couple of hours and then one more round tomorrow night. Another show sounds like it is wrapping up to the east. Sigh. I hate this holiday so much.

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