Thanks to @corlin I'm gonna have fun with tonight.

George strummed the guitar with his right hand, which he had to do because he didn't have a left hand, that part of the guitar was held by Zeke who he had met at the amputee support group; & even though Zeke had both arms & was at the group because he had no legs & could play the guitar perfectly fine by himself, he liked to play the guitar with George like this because it meant he could be the big spoon for a little cuddle

Rock climbers are easy to spot by their calloused fingers and lean, sinewy muscled bodies, of which it was obvious that Keith was very much most definitely absolutely positively assuredly not a rock climber.

There comes a time in a boy's life where the innocence lifts away like a dense fog burned off under a bright sun, the dirty and despairing aspects of life come crashing in like a tornado thrown cow through Aunt Marge's kitchen window that one day last summer; and today was when that innocence was gone as Steve stood in the petting zoo acutely aware that the bird perched on his head had just shit down the back of his neck.

There are fabric ripping loud farts, silent whisper farts, dad farts, mom farts, squeaky one cheek up farts; and as Alice stood at the altar staring into the eyes of her wonderful, handsome, kind, new husband, she was never more glad that he was also deaf.

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