"You're still up?!"
Yup, and still fighting this thing.

I'm running a script that installs the AI system I want to use and configures it all and whatnot. But I get nothing but error messages and end up dicking with those for hours.

I borked my system so hard trying to install the AI stuff manually that I'm now reinstalling Linux.

This is fun. I'm having fun. Isn't this fun?

Meet TomServero. The colors on the cable flow so it's always changing. I also have a cooling system but the part that goes over the CPU (you know, that important thing) doesn't fit. But for right now I don't care. This is on and I'm installing an OS on a new drive.

Alright, I got it to boot!! So now I'm messing with the memory sticks because that seems to be the issue.

Boots fine with 1 stick, but not 2. And it doesn't matter which 1 I use or the slot it's in.

Went to the store and got a pack of cables that had a 4 pin connector. Get home and absolutely NONE of my cables will plug into it, so I can't plug it into my PSU.

Just in case anybody ever wonders why I'm always so irritated. It's bullshit like this. All I wanted to do was build a new computer and I'm on the 4th day and not any closer, but almost 2400 out of pocket.

Got a new motherboard, processor and memory. It LOOKS like everything has power, the fans are all on, the memory's rbg lights are on, and another cable has rgb lights on.

But no video signal from either of my two GPUs.


It wasn't the power supply. Twas mobo what killed the beast!

So I installed Ubuntu server, ran like a champ. Opened Firefox, the entire system slowed to a crawl. Eventually became unusable and would just reload the login screen repeatedly.

Installed second GPU while I was troubleshooting all that noise and now my entire system is dead. Won't power on.

I'm REALLY hoping it's just the power supply because that's what I'm going to go get.

Let's just say on the hypo thetos here that I plug in a second GPU. If Cuda is already installed and the AI system is already good to go as well, would all of that automatically recognize the new card or would I have to do some sort of voodoo?

Hey kick ass, I woke up to a heat advisory so I guess I'm staying in today.

Hmm, no, that wasn't it. With all 4 32GB RAM sticks (all same make and model and all that, so everything matches), I can sometimes get Linux to load. It runs like a boss for a few minutes, then slows to a crawl.

With just 3 sticks, it runs perfectly.

Memtest passed. BIOS has no problem. Haven't tried Windows yet but I don't think that'll have a problem.

Alright riddle me this Batmans. Batmen? Alright anyway, so I put in 98GB of memory and my Linux box was a lot faster. I put in the other stick to bring it up 128GB and then all of a sudden it just kept reloading the login screen. I got it into the GUI once but it crashed.

Why no 128gb for me? Fresh install or SOL?

Had 16GB of RAM in my AI server, which severely limited the models I could run.

So guess who has two thumbs and just maxed out the RAM on his motherboard at 128GB?


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