
Hmm, no, that wasn't it. With all 4 32GB RAM sticks (all same make and model and all that, so everything matches), I can sometimes get Linux to load. It runs like a boss for a few minutes, then slows to a crawl.

With just 3 sticks, it runs perfectly.

Memtest passed. BIOS has no problem. Haven't tried Windows yet but I don't think that'll have a problem.


One of the sticks is bad. Or the slot is. Intermittent hardware errors are just that — intermittent and are a nightmare to resolve. If you can determine whether it is ram or the slot, that will go a long way.

I’m hoping it’s a stick.

I’m sorry you are having this problem but it’s not an easy fix.

@feloneouscat it doesn't matter which stick I take out, it'll only run with 3. SO, I'm gonna try the server image instead and start fresh. I've been using the desktop image so maybe that has something to do with it?

We're gonna find out anyway.

@feloneouscat no. The first thing I thought was the slot or stick since it first happened when I put the last one in. But then I took out the one before it and it did the same thing.

Now I'm on Ubuntu server and so far so good.

@feloneouscat @dr_zooks Intermittent problems are the worst. The worst for me was a 600 amp, 480 volt bus bar. It powered a lab with several test cells and it was blowing fuses the size of your fist. Back then 128 K was a lot of memory!

@feloneouscat @dr_zooks I see the Dali crash (It took out the Key Bridge in Baltimore) may have been caused by a loose screw or bad connection on a $5 terminal block. It was probably an intermittent connection since they lost power prior to the leaving the dock. The loss of power was the cause of the accident, and you can the lights flash and go out prior to the ship hitting the bridge.

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