
"You've showed up in 5 searches!!"
"Your profile has been viewed 10 times!"

So what?? That's just as effective as telling me "6 people are thinking about you right now!" and does me no good.

@PurpleDragon @dr_zooks

That's the gamification of apps. where they report engagement to keep your 👀 glued to their app so you can see their ads and then they can claim to advertisers how many eyeballs they have for how many hours. To advertisers it means that's where to spend $$$.

Turning off tracking will stop them from tracking/sharing info on you.

@Bliss @PurpleDragon OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH I didn't even think of that. Well, joke's on them because I don't open the app, I just swipe the notification off my screen. But hey, whatever works.

@PurpleDragon LinkedIn and Dice, so you were thiiiiiiiiiis close.

@dr_zooks 😊 ha ha. Fun fact, got my last job thru Link (now retired) so best of luck in your search!

@PurpleDragon IT security. It's one of those fields where there are like 300 applicants for every job posting, thanks to all the massive layoffs recently. I'll make it, it'll just take a minute.

@dr_zooks I’m thinking about you now.

And now I never will again.

@EnochianEntropy honestly I prefer it that way. Being perceived sucks.

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