remember that he called for these men to be EXECUTED when they were CHILDREN. there is only one reason he is still doubling down and insisting they're guilty, and it's the same reason he was sued by the DOJ for refusing to rent to black people in the 70s. it's the same reason he completely made up the lie that Obama was born in Kenya. he is a racist, he has always been a racist and he will be a seething, malevolent racist until the day he finally drops dead.
this is interesting. lichtman says harris will win because she has 8 keys, the bare minimum. but biden dropping out would've resulted in a loss because of the INCUMBENCY key, not because of the primary key. harris still lost the incumbency key, and biden already had the primary key. so which key did harris gain by becoming the nominee that turned that loss into a win?
@Alfred reply with emojis representing Donald Trump
@gemswinc Gee, I can't imagine why a bunch of evil oligotechnocrats would want to suppress information about voting.
If our votes didn't matter, by the way, they wouldn't keep trying to keep taking them from us.
fuck twitter, fuck mastodon, fuck and FUCK threads