The Hydrant Directory is a free design resource created from public infrastructure. Each hydrant has been processed into color palettes for free use by artists and designers.
Color palettes are original and are placed in the public domain for use of any kind without attribution ( CC0 no rights reserved ). The hydrants themselves, however, do not belong to me. Use them with discretion and respect.
#streetart #hydrants #color
got a phishing message from "Paypal" -- actually an individual gmail account -- that Proton Mail didn't catch. Reported it to them, bit surprised b/c: obvious.
Checked the tire pressure(s). Much inflation ensued. Thanks Biden? Anyway, maybe check the tires near you, they could be low which will cost cash and cause problems. #tires
So it's a standard Molex thing and their website links out to the exact item at a handful of vendors. 19 cents each instead of the 7 bucks at NewEgg. 🎉
Welcome to Ukraine, city of Novorossiysk, Russia.
@Alfred who were the first radio, TV, and social media Presidents?
okay web designers. I. require. scroll bars. And Home, PgUp, PgDn to work. ESPECIALLY with "infinite scroll"
And read and memorize:
Or else. TIA.
ideal for precision work