Bet they have more than one employee, too.
Woot! A #Top10Percent over on #NightCafe with "🫒❤️🫒"
First question: what are you going to be using it for? Email? Web-site?
If you're going to be using Wordpress, they do a good job of domain registration and management.
If email, probably a different choice. I can't remember if Protonmail does registration or not, but they can absolutely handle inbound email to a custom domain.
I used to use's fine, I guess.
My current host is InMotion Hosting. I like them.
Have you ever replaced memory in a computer so poorly that it billowed smoke?
(Fun fact: I did this with a super computer I was repairing at a customer site. I failed to push the memory in all the way, so it went in at an angle. Shorted the board out. It was like a smoke machine at a concert! Customer puffed on his pipe [you could smoke in the office back then!], said "Huh! Well, guess I'll see you in the morning!" and left me to my overnight, full midplane and memory replacement.)
Back in those days, of course, ROT13 was enough, but then we upgraded to ROT26...which was a game changer.
Which was, of course, based off of a standard Panasonic "Hand Held Computer." 😹
Happy anniversary CoSo!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING you do @th3j35t3r. No matter how hectic things get I always know that I can come home to my #CoSoFam.
Listen up friends! J carries one heck of a load for us keeping the lights on! Time to dump out the coin jars! LFG!!!
Oh, that's awesome! Yeah, we joined one day after, so Monday is our CoSo Anniversary!
That’s not breakfast
That’s a puppy! 😹
Oh fun! No…not sure where it came from. It’s sitting on a sign.
Sounds shady. There’s not a lot of information about why they’re doing it, just a lot of conjecture. At least you can still -search- for hashtags. Just one more reason why CoSo is better. (But I understand the benefits of IG.)