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I also notice that the current arrangement of icons has maybe changed again so…someone might already be adjusting things? :gippy:

Suggestion: can we slide the Flag/report icon on posts far over to the right?

I think, ideally, the original icons (especially like and re-post), should be in the identical positions they’ve always been. The flag icon would be out of the way. Moving it out of the ellipsis menu was a necessity but I think a lot of folks are accidentally hitting the flag icon instead of the like/star button. (That could be easily borne out by testing the ratio of flag presses to report cancels).


Ooh but I want a keychain sized chainsaw that goes β€œvroom vroom!” πŸͺš


Oh, it’s all a racket for sure. And this is absolutely a bubble, just like the last big one, but, I think with a lot of underhomed (?) people needing places to stay, I think the bubble won’t pop so hard when it inevitably does.


Oh! One you can use. Someone should invent one for your keychain!


Same exact thing here. Numbers are different but yes…sucks. Although if you ever take out a second mortgage, a higher appraised value is better.


Not to be confused with β€œstew.”

Now I want apple stew. Is that even a thing? 😹


Me: Hey, how are you today?
Trader Joe’s employee: Customers aren’t here to be bartenders.
Me: Oh, no problem.
TJ: It’s fine. β€œI’m doing okay. Thanks!”


I was lucky enough to always have a hot and cold water cooler at work, and the hot water worked pretty well for that. I’m guessing people used to microwave them directly? 😹

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πŸŒ‘πŸŒž Amarand πŸŒžπŸŒ‘

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.