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@WeThePeople I can't quite Like this but I can be happy that justice, however tardy, may yet find this monster. Peace and healing to his victims; a fully conscious and gruesome conclusion to him

A Gunn boosted

from the article

"The conservative justices have, over the years, seen harbingers of tyranny in union organizing, environmental regulations, civil-rights laws, and universal-health-care plans. When confronted with a legal theory that establishes actual tyranny, they were simply intrigued. As long as Donald Trump is the standard-bearer for the Republicans, every institution they control will contort itself in his image in an effort to protect him.”

@apetrusk Great photo -- now stay safe out there!! 🌩

A Gunn boosted

"Hey, where's Cricket?" Cricket deserved love, affection, care, & protection. Instead Cricket was killed by Kristi Noem. Sadism NEVER exists in isolation – it's always accompanied by additional psychological pathology (i.e., Psychopathy/Sociopathy (ASPD), Narcissism, Machiavellianism).

Your occasional reminder that this isn't really the second Gilded Age of American capitalism 'cause the first didn't actually end

@kel Love this so much. And if I were to take it up to try building an infosec version... Creative Commons, copyleft, ??

@kel <infosec tabletop design has entered the chat> Oh this looks *very* interesting

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I'm writing my representatives with my own demands. 1) stop pretending hate groups are peace groups, 2) call hate groups out when hate is found, 3) shut down mob harassment of jew, black ,gay where it isn't a protest it is a hate rally on campus harrassing target groups, 4) withdraw federal funding of campuses which allow hate rallies, 5) deport every visa holder who is arrested at one of these protests for violence or incitement.

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Reps moving quickly -

Reps. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) and Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) plan to introduce the College Oversight and Legal Updates Mandating Bias Investigations and Accountability (COLUMBIA) Act

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Make note of every news org covering those protests as peaceful antiwar demonstrations without showing the Hamas or PFLP associations as well as explaining who the PFLP is and that they've been behind a lot of these protests.

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Trump and the RNC announced a “100,000 person strong” program designed to harass election officials and their employees and discredit democracy in Nevada and a dozen other states.

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Scientists have caught a once-in-a-billion-years evolutionary event in progress, as two lifeforms have merged into one organism that boasts abilities its peers would envy. Last time this happened, Earth got plants

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Using old insurance fire maps, researchers have enabled a machine-learning system to recreate 3D models of neighborhoods that no longer exist.

@postal_poet Wait, the Catholic Church "managing" a problem employee with weasel words and a shuffle to another office / parish? Who could have imagined?! 🙃

Oh, look, Bloomberg doing uncritical press releases for Copilot. TFW when you've literally gotten more nuanced and thoughtful analysis of the tech's potential benefits and dangers from the perpetually stoned teens that hang out in your neighbor's backyard...

@Boyceaz @TheLegend_AZ Meal Team Six? Guaranteed the geezers in that chat are most likely to murder a postal carrier or UPS deliveryperson they see on their Ringcam as they crouch quivering in their electric recliner. They are dumb, panicky animals over there to be sure.

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A Gunn

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