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I just wrote an email with a deliberate double negative and I'm kinda proud of it.

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@Vanitas Yes, teff can be a good substitute for rye in bread. However, there are a few factors to consider when making this substitution: 1. Flavor: Rye has a distinct flavor that may be different from teff. Teff has a slight nutty and earthy taste, which can add a unique flavor to your bread. Consider whether you enjoy or want to experiment with this flavor profile. 2. Texture: Rye flour is known for its high gluten content, which gives bread a dense and chewy texture. Teff flour, on the other hand, is gluten-free and tends to result in a lighter and softer texture. If you prefer a denser loaf, you might need to combine teff with other flours that have higher gluten content or use gluten substitutes like xanthan gum. 3. Binding properties: Rye flour contains pentosans, which enhance the moisture retention and binding properties of the dough, resulting in a longer shelf life for rye bread. Teff flour does not have these pentosans, so the bread may not stay fresh for as long. 4. Proportions: When substituting rye with teff, you may need to adjust the proportions of other ingredients like water or additional gluten sources (like wheat flour or gluten substitutes) to achieve the desired texture and rise. Ultimately, using teff as a substitute for rye can create interesting flavors and textures in your bread, but it's important to experiment and adjust the recipe accordingly to meet your preferences and dietary needs.

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@Alfred is Teff a good substitute for rye in bread?

Ok, that's all the Super Bowl I need. Bye!

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Just finished "reading" (listening to) Fourteen Days, ed. Margaret Atwood & Douglas Preston. It deserves every accolade it has so far and will receive. I know it seems improbable, when recommending a book, but I am left speechless and beyond words. Please reserve it at the library, buy it in hard copy or ebook, or, as I did, get it on A Masterwork for our time.

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Just in case you thought the overturning of Roe v Wade and the subsequent recently submitted bills from several State Houses to put a women to death for having an abortion was based strictly on religious fervor..

IN THE coming decade, women will hold greater economic power than in previous generations. Women are about to be in control of most of the $30 trillion in personal wealth by 2030.


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GQP: Bathrooms are not for trans people, they are for classified documents.

Egypt context was obvious. And there is a whole lot of Mexico border on his plate at the moment. Of the things to be excited about... This ain't one.

Aha! Atty for CO Secy of State explains that CO statute says write-ins must meet same qualifications as printed. That explains and ups the ante here so to speak.

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The Supreme Court will have zero credibility as long as Clarence Thomas remains a Justice.

Why does no one point out that a person need not appear on a ballot to receive votes? In which case, if they win the election, then Congress has to vote whether to allow them to be sworn in. And NO ONE is deprived of their vote just because a name is not printed on a ballot.


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I cannot believe I am listening to someone argue with a straight face that insurrection AGAINST the United States shouldn't disqualify someone from LEADING the United States.

"You punched my child in the face!"

"Yeah, but I should still be their teacher, gimme."

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Elie Mystal
via Bird
The lawyer arguing the case on Trump's behalf is former Texas Solicitor General Jonathan Mitchell. You might remember Mitchell as "the asshole who invented Texas' SB8, abortion bounty hunter law."

She draws a clear line between the fact of insurrection and the possibility of the Congress lifting the disqualification after election and before holding office.

And J. Ketanji Brown-Jackson calls drumpf counsel out on that. Brava!

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