Sicilian Casata (ricotta filled sponge cake, but with extra good stuff). Tried cream sherry instead of maraschino this time. Not a bad choice.

Fun fact: leftover chicken paella is delicious. (even when you forgot to add saffron last night)

Made mooncakes for the first time today. Followed these superb instructions except adjusted the ingredients to be 100% gluten free:

Dinner in the oven.
Roasted Chickpeas with Peppers and Goat Cheese (except I needed to use up my block of queso fresco so diced it small)

May I offer a slice of this gluten free Oreo cake? Why yes, that IS a giant melted Hershey bar on top 😋

Road Trip dinner:
California avocados
Walla Walla sweet onions (sliced)
Sourdough light rye
NorCal pluots
SE Washington farm stand apricots
Oregon rosé of pinot noir
Bonus: free upgrade to a suite for the night 🏆

Fried squeaky cheese.

That's it. That's the post. 😋

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