My ChatGPT post was "scolding Trump in style of Dr. Seuss"

TripDaddy boosted

ChatGPT: Oh dear, oh dear, what has been said?
Words that are hurtful, words that are dead
We all make mistakes, we all have our flaws
But that's no excuse to break the laws

We need to be kind and fair and just
We need to be thoughtful and not combust
We need to respect each other's views
We need to work towards a world that is true

So let's take a step back and a deep breath
Let's think about how we can be our best
We'll listen and learn and communicate
We'll be a nation that truly great

ChatGPT: Oh dear, oh dear, what has been said?
Words that are hurtful, words that are dead
We all make mistakes, we all have our flaws
But that's no excuse to break the laws

We need to be kind and fair and just
We need to be thoughtful and not combust
We need to respect each other's views
We need to work towards a world that is true

So let's take a step back and a deep breath
Let's think about how we can be our best
We'll listen and learn and communicate
We'll be a nation that truly great

TripDaddy boosted
TripDaddy boosted

The lack of self-awareness here is truly fucking breathtaking.

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The richest man in the world is a Q-anon shitposter, proving once again that there is nothing laudable about wealth.


Got to see them live a couple months ago. Awesome show!!!!

So happy!!! 2 of our three are already home for Thanksgiving Break!!

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Twitter has truly become shitter. Definitely deleting my accounts there by year's end. So-called resistors bullying each other, crazed MAGAts trolling everyone who isn't a trumpador. A 💩 show.

"Collins: Steve Scalise was shot at a congressional softball game. Nobody created a secondary story that denied the reality of that happening. Nobody gloated about it. Barack Obama did not laugh at this".

TripDaddy boosted

I voted today! Early absentee - no questions asked. This is so much better than it used to be. Let's hope it stays this way.


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