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@BrianHjelleVirologist I made the joke that Putin will still be declaring victory while they burn the Kremlin down. Likely not far from the truth.

@TXPamInOH Only one more time change in the spring and then that at least is behind us. But I think you are right... combo of time change and election, and for me compounded with interacting with humans and their stupid behavior all week.

Is it just me, or has this been the longest week ever?

@Susandoyle We still might slog around in the mud there. It's not like you are supposed to come out of a Ren Fest perfectly clean.... lol.

@Susandoyle Yes! We have been once before and are going back tomorrow as long as the weather clears. Really looking forward to it!

@Susandoyle Liking the music and the wine. Last weekend we found a place north of Houston that makes mead and has live music. Fun!

@Susandoyle We've been over to New Braunfels but weren't aware of Gruene at the time.

@Susandoyle Will have to check that out - appreciate the recommendation. We enjoy San Antonio, so a good chance we will get over there this winter.

@Susandoyle Haven't done the river yet, but did spend some time in Fredericksburg. Definitely want to go back sometime.

@Susandoyle LOL... yeah, we've made that mistake in College Station. Have only been over to NOLA a couple of times, but I always love going there.

@JeffThompson61 Did you say GREEN? 😜
Yep... all these things are true, and so far I am liking the differences.

@Susandoyle We love Austin, and we love the city of Houston. We go into the city as often as we can... tomorrow we are headed just north of Houston to hit the Ren Fest. Living just outside though you sink quickly back into deep red Texas.

@Susandoyle Outside Houston - will share city privately, but not publicly. Where were you at?

@Susandoyle I'm hoping that happens, as we expect to be here another 8 years.

@Susandoyle I'm feeling "seen" right now. LOL It's been a culture shift for me, to be sure. I'm a Yank, and these are not my people. But we make due.

Twitter burning soundtrack song

Tom Sawyer Rush

Take the lyrics however you want to but made me think when I applied this to Twitter

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The_Ghost_Rat πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.