Matt Judon is on pace for 19 sacks, which would set a Patriot's record. Without looking it up, who is the current record holder with 18.5 sacks in a season?

A Political Haiku:

Kyrsten Sinema.
Political prostitute.
Doing it for cash.

Sinema figures out what everyone else already knew; she is devoid of political principle and will caucus with whoever is in power so that she can remain relevant.

How courageous of her... 🙄

My momma never told me that if I couldn't say something nice about someone that I should shut my mouth, but I'll pretend she did and keep quiet about Kirstie Alley today. 😜

@The_Ghost_Rat I’m proud to say my church, a fully inclusive Methodist church, is not among these congregations that are leaving.

In Germany 1930s, few supported Hitler, but the majority stayed quiet. As the GOP takes control of the house, we, you and I, cannot afford to be silent. We are: "We The People."

Is it just me, or is it only white people who seem to be threatened by striving for diversity? 🤔

To whoever needs to hear this: I will not be tolerant of your intolerance. If you judge people based on where they are from, what they look like, how they worship (or don't), or who they love - or support those who judge others for these reasons, then you are just an asshole.

@Susandoyle Not bad at all! A whole lot better than the downpour we have here.

@Jenniferstone1981 She really should just walk the pier looking sad (but horny) and have Sally Struthers do the voice-over. "Won't you help this underappreciated sugar baby who needs a home? For just $25,000 per month..."😂

The problem isn’t liberals.

It’s not the LGBTQ community
It’s not Muslims
It’s not atheists
It’s not the poor
It’s not Antifa
It’s not BLM
It’s not woke folks

The problem is the GOP.

It’s Conservatives
It’s Evangelicals
It’s racist white men
It’s greed
It’s the guns

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The_Ghost_Rat 🇺🇦

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