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It's a Friday evening in Texas, which means sitting through a high school football playoff game tonight. Oh, and did I mention it is pouring right now? πŸ˜‚

NBC News projects: Steven Horsford wins (D) NV-4.

Submitting my design for the new Twitter logo!
Fingers crossed!

@StillDizzy I still need to navigate groups here. Thankfully, I am already connecting with people I enjoyed on Twitter.

@StillDizzy Same. Twitter since 2010, but not staying for the shit show.

@TXPamInOH Agreed. I am also disgusted that Paxton got re-elected as AG... Dude belongs in prison, and may soon be in one.

@TXPamInOH Spot on with respect to your thoughts on the non-voters here. I think I despise them even more than those that voted for Abbott, Paxton, and co.

@AntifaPuddinPop Welcome... the layout is very different. It's taking me a bit of effort to adjust, but glad to be leaving what is increasingly a shit show at Twitter.

In the short-term, Beto's path to elective office is gone. As much as I like him, he will never be the one to lead the sea change to Texas being a blue state. It will take someone less threatening to the redneck base here to change the climate, and only then will Beto have a window to return.

In the spirit of freely being allowed to say this here: Fuck you Elon Musk. Fuck you Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott and all those who voted to strip women from the right to choose.

Agreed. This was by design. Soon, Twitter will be a cross between MySpace and Truth Social.

Assuming the Republic survives long enough for this to bear fruit, this is the most important outcome of this week's midterm election:

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The_Ghost_Rat πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.