If you haven't read Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch you're missing out.
If you haven't read A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson you're missing out.
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And the edit button here is fully functional and free ("delete & re-draft" from the pull-down menu on the three dots to the bottom right of your posts).
Seeing a lot of folks looking for specific communities, so I want to try mine: anybody living w #autoimmune problems? #autoimmunity #AutoimmuneDiseases Ready to trade / give / receive supportiveness ❤️🩹
Oh hey, and not to like self promote or be cocky or any of that nonsense. I do take commissions for portraits and art. Feel free to hit my beacons link in my bio for my ko-fi! Want a custom pfp? Or just something to hang on the wall at home? Hit me up! I'm your person! :) #CoSoArt
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.