@Nimthiriel something like that.
@singlemaltgirl yeah we game together sometimes, but always at night for them. Those nights I'm usually up until about 4 - 5am or so, which is their midnight. Kinda wrecks my schedule but it's worth it.
@singlemaltgirl I do. My main group of friends is in Australia actually. Timezones wise I'm 19 hours behind them, so they're usually around about this time. We don't really talk a whole lot though. I just need to get in the habit of going to sleep at a reasonable time. It's just that I've always been a night owl, even when I was little. I just come alive at night, can't help it.
@singlemaltgirl It lasts until I go to bed, basically. I just get more chatty at night but all my friends are sleeping and I can't talk to them. Weekends are rough too sometimes, Sundays especially. It's just that pre-Monday dread all day.
But yeah, if we've got a weight on our hearts and nothing but time to sit with it, it's a sad place to be indeed.
@homebird they really are. The dark days don't help much either. Such is life in an Alaskan winter. It's quite depressing. I've been prescribed vitamin D supplements.
@tiptoeing I'm so bad at both of those things, especially hydrating. I'll go an entire day without drinking anything.😞
@singlemaltgirl mmmm... Caaaaake🤤
@Gladari exactly, without a union the companies are free to abuse their employees however they please while suffering no consequences whatsoever. Chiquita literally slaughtered 2000 banana farmers because they tried to unionize and people still buy their bananas.
United we bargain, divided we beg.
@EmeraldHufflepuff a hot cup of coffee on a cold, winter morning is a whole mood.
@Gladari absolutely, people before profits. Of course, they'll use the unionization to arbitrarily raise their prices so they can continue boasting about record profits, but I digress. Blizzard can well afford to pay their employees, and maybe they'll make a less toxic work environment and actually respect their employees in the process.
@Gladari GOOD. Blizzard is a terrible company.
@ChillySnowgirl it certainly is a welcome respite. Looking forward to seeing how it grows. Lots of high quality folks here, I'm proud to be among them.
@ChillySnowgirl I feel that. I sent my brother a friend request on FB once, he never accepted it. Couple years later he died. Two years after that I got a notification that he accepted my friend request. Really messed me up for a bit.
I'm glad there's no algorithm here, just raw people being people. It's a good place to be. ❤️
@ChillySnowgirl Twitter loves twisting the knife
@VelvetDuchess I wish I had more to give. I'm rooting for you. ❤️
@ModernTemptress preach! 🙌
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.