@MisterOmnivese I never put the effort into getting good with it, I've just stuck with 3DS.
Probably the funniest things that's ever happened to me was when I was at a friend's house and I went to take a piss, his cat followed me in 'cause the litterbox was next to the toilet.
So I'm goin', the cat's goin', all of a sudden I sneeze, wiener slips out of my hand and I pissed all over everything, even the cat.
@InvaderGzim I've had that one in the oven for a while. Felt it was time to set it loose.😎
@JeSsA I was surprised to learn that only the female mosquitos suck blood. The males are vegetarians. lol
@Kinnison "It's nice to see money doing well".
lmao, ffs do I love the Onion.
@Lisa_Winfeld Associating "illegal" with "illegal immigrants" I mean.
@JeSsA Yeah I wouldn't really be bothered by it, and feeding dead animals is okay. Bugs are whatever, I don't kill them. Only mosquitos. They're kill-on-sight.
@Lisa_Winfeld All I can guess is the person read the word "illegal" and naturally word-associated it with racism. Projecting is the only thing I can think of, but I'm also white and stupid.
That "An federal" though..
@ucantstop_me Awe that's good. I like him.
@voltronic @99reasons4truth Oh heck yeah. I didn't know they were still making the boards or switches and fully rescind my "Cherry Blues ftw". Totally agree about the feel.
I'm looking and I'm guessing I can't buy just the switches and that the keys only work on other Unicomp keyboards. This is a hard call to make because I like my pudding keycaps.
@Kinnison Tch. Really puts into perspective how shallow some people are. If you can't see someone passed their appearance then you've got some learning to do.
@99reasons4truth @voltronic I would be, too! Excellent choice.
@99reasons4truth omg I didn't even know they make those. I made a wrong choice.
I got a Huo-Ji Z-88, all of the keys are also hot-swappable, same with the switches. Aluminum frame so I could hit someone with it if I needed to. If I can buy just the buckling spring switches I would be so so happy.
@haggardmom75 Such a nice feeling. A lot of people hate it but I like home renovation, process and product.
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.