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Noticing an uptick of Mastodon trolls showing up here to prove to everyone why not being part of 'the fediverse' is the best thing ever.

More info on that history can be found here:


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If you haven't given us a positive rating in your favorite app store, now would be an excellent time. ๐Ÿ‘

@MisterE Iโ€™m a list maker as well. Helps keep me on track.

@PaganMother Maymont Park, Richmond, Va. They are having their garden glow event. Itโ€™s just lovely.

T boosted

๐Ÿ“ข ๐Ÿ“ข Everybody, please listen up, one of our longtime beloved members, @VelvetDuchess needs our help.

A donation page has been set up, to help her get through the holidays:


If you can donate, that is great, if not, if you can please boost this that would be very appreciated and still very helpful!

This is the
We help people in our community.

@misslovelymess Oof! Been there. Hope to never be there again.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.