Stonekettle Pen Sale is live on my Etsy store
Cortonas, hybrid slimlines. Keychains with built in emergency whistles. Coffee scoops. Smart device styli
Limited # of high end Victorian fountain pens
Sale goes live in 30 minutes
Mostly lower cost models this week. Cortonas and hybrid slimlines. Keychains with built in emergency whistles. Coffee scoops. Smart device styli.
And a limited number of high end Victorian fountain pens.
Noon Central Time, on my Etsy Store:
Oh, Central time! I'm early, for once....
Mostly lower cost models this week. Cortonas and hybrid slimlines. Keychains with built in emergency whistles. Coffee scoops. Smart device styli.
And a limited number of high end Victorian fountain pens.
Sale is tomorrow 4/12/20 at 12 Noon Central Time, on my Etsy Store:
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