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Jeez, and the year is just getting started. One wonders what new surprises they have for us down the election road.

So seems obvious Halley is waffling on stances and pandering.

I predict she'll fold and 75% certainty she'll endorse Trump.

If the Russians are surprised at anything LGBTQIA+ at a My Little Pony convention they're either amazingly or deliberately ignorant.

We were warned in Science Fiction that AI would take over.

So when Steroid Clippy appeared, we believed it was AI and too many people surrendered.

I gotta say part of me wondered "How long do we have to hear bullshit about Biden's age" but the way Republicans manage to beclown themselves and drive it from the headlines was impressive.

If Trump does drain the RNC to pay his legal bills the RNC needs to loose it's tax exempt status and let Trump pay the taxes on the money!

"Trump is out of money": Republicans fear Trump will drain RNC funds to pay his own legal bills

Also expect defense stocks to spike tomorrow.

Wanna bet Trump sent the Russians info on our space defenses?

Four days ago we were worried about Hur's attempt to smear Biden's age.

Now we're talking retiring republicans, Republicans losing a seat in NY, possible Russian threats, and Kevin McCarthy's revenge.

Democrat @Tom_Suozzi won New York's 3rd Congressional District—previously George Santos' seat.


People properly fear an authoritarian attacking them directly, almost personally.

But far less thought is given to indirect attacks. Hellish bureaucracy, indiscriminate use of arms, checkbox-powered pogroms, collateral damage.

The State is easily made a blunt instrument in a world of nails.

I think we can obviously say that the press isn't covering Trump's obviously pathological and declining mental state is:

1) They are used to the "Dems fail" narrative despite, well . . . everything.
2) They're afraid he'll yell at them.

I suggest we do a lot more yelling at the press.

All the podcasts I listen to about the wild conspiracy theories people believe are going to be lit this week.

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Steven Savage

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