Simple proposal.

1) Make The Unknown from the Wonka disaster party a one-shot villain in Dr. Who.
2) Pay this woman to be in said episode.

Or hell, with the way she put up with this crap and kept working? Maybe you sign her on long-term because there's probably not a damn thing television can throw at her that she didn't experience in ONE DAY.

Republican terror over Taylor Swift is now the top story on

Wow, one massive Blue onslaught and the MSM changes their tune.

When there's a George Santos movie, I vote he's played by Harvey Guillén.

This feels like a conversation between Team Fortress 2 characters.

<Scout> "I dunno why people go on about 'biological women!'"
<Soldier> "ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL! Biological! Chemical! Nuclear!"
<Spy> "I feel you both don't understand the situation, yet understand it better than many."

Just imagining a serious novel by Tatsuya Endo involving our favorite dog . . .

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Steven Savage

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