You can tell I have paperwork to do later today… Instead of getting started on it, my ADD brain has instead had me focus on several other things I normally dislike: load of laundry, clean the kitchen, clean out part of my gutters, do weeding, sweep my back porch, clean out Nibbles, out vacuum robot, and brush the dogs. Ok, I really like doing the last one because the girls love it so much 😊
I so don’t want to do that paperwork today 🤪
Particularly happy with how the green on the far side of the river shows up in this one
Speaking of aliens, have you seen Alan Tudyk in Resident Alien? 2nd season is just as good as the first.
NASA astronaut Nicole Aunapu Mann has become the first Native American woman to travel to space.
Lego is celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons with a set design idea contest. Enter for a chance to cement your AlphaGeek status in two fandoms
I will be so happy when my Hub’s turn at the cpap machine comes up. It’s been about a year since he got on the waiting list. I know part of my sleep issues are because of his snoring (like right now) Yet when he’s not snoring, I am listening for him to breathe. Sometimes I have to nudge him to breathe but others are false alarms. Sigh
@Museek a friend of mine can’t get anywhere near any of those, as they have the opposite effect and trigger an almost instant white hot rage. Interesting how things affect folks so differently sometimes. Her mom has the same reaction but other relatives like them
@scottronaut Yesterday we watched the Junior Bake-off and they made chocolate chip cookie cups coated in chocolate and filled with hazelnut milk. I’m taking you post as a sign I should make some sort of chocolate chip cookie delight this weekend 😊
CoSo? New users and old timers alike--
It is VERY likely that during the next wave of new accounts, we will see people deliberately trying to test the TOS. They will choose usernames that are frankly racist and disgusting, post images that are offensive. They may do this in order to grab a screen shot and then take it back to support their agenda on other platforms.
Please, if you see such, report them. Don't engage--just block and report.
@th3j35t3r will deal with them swiftly.
You’re added to my list dearheart, sincerely hope things get better for you. I may not post daily but I will send happy thoughts your way regularly.
Also, don’t know if this would help you, but I use Nature’s Bounty 1200 mg flax seed oil pills (I take two at night before bed). It’s helped me, my spouse, my best friend, and my mother in law with that hanging on by a thread feeling. It may or may not work for you, but the Omega 3s/DHA has helped us a lot. Hugs and love!
CounterSocial is crowd-powered. No ads, no bots, no trolls. You are not the product here.
If you're enjoying it and can pitch in a few bucks, maybe consider going Pro!
@phase hang in there, hope it goes fast
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@singlemaltgirl I am so with you. I’ve had maybe 3 hrs and am now looking at the clock with an hour left of the night before it’s time to wake up to take kiddo to school.
I'm true to myself / my core values & am focused on family--bio & chosen, safeguarding our broader community, spreading loving kindness, & cybersec consulting