Apple doesn't fall far from the tree
@Vikky sooooo gooood
@PurpleDragon you oh weren’t alone. Me too
I’m pretty sure we’re all happy to see this asshole implode.
“All this bullshit about how the President is going to stay in office and seize power? I’ve never heard of any of that crap,” Barr told Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass. “I mean, I’m the attorney general. I would think I would have heard about it.”
@MrsE0113 plus...we just might know a thing or two
The best sandwich in every US state.
Arizona choice: Not on my diet, but I'm in favor of whatever Chris Bianco does
@catlynne333 he doesn’t read. What’s with the library
@Madken65 if we don’t find the will or the way to stop actors like the Mercers and the Kochs it won’t matter what the puppet’s name is. There will just be one after another while they fund more Parlers and Cambridge Analyticas as smoke screens for their engorged egos and dirty work.
@Anemone must have had a lot of practice. What an angry bitch
@VelvetDuchess you are one righteous woman. I hope you know many of us have tried to be with you in spirit and keep you bolstered. You have not been alone.
Ultimately, however, this appreciation for the power of humility—openness, transparency, and a reverence for the expertise of others—can’t be mandated from the top down. It must be built up from a cultural level, and thus requires an investment in educational efforts to instill them in the next generation of AI practitioners.
@catlynne333 oh goody! Let’s trade a scripture spewing viper for a dress up she Devil
This whole thread has so many examples of hypocrisy, arrogance, and privilege coming from just one person.
@CorreroM that isn’t accurate. This is not the bird