I'm starting to think that maybe Thanos had the right idea...

@WhiteRose My sister in law and her bum ass narcissistic boyfriend.

Hope everyone has a great holiday week ✌🏽❤️✊🏽

Shawn boosted

@StephanieResists This would be the greatest Christmas gift, imagine MTG, Bobo, Pervy Matt, etc getting led out in handcuffs 🤌🏽🙏🏽

🤦🏽‍♂️ Indictments better be around the corner, because I'm already over it.

@Eclecticmezzo I did notice that as well, seems to be more engagement with some posts or replies that I have had, really weird.

@JKMooney He really lives in the Upside Down, there's no way anyone is going to pay those fees except maybe Q/MAGA followers just to "own the Libs"

@Charles_Hawtrey 😂 He's full court pressing that "redemption tour"

@ErFlynnArt I barely made it through the first episode, does it get better?

@cwithav I figured I could just avoid the hate and ignorance, but it seems every thread has gotten beyond toxic 🤮

@Katydiddance Definitely needed, I didn't realize it has gotten this bad on Twitter, it's wild out there 😳

Ugh, made the mistake to login to Twitter to test the waters and now I feel dirty.

Every time I see Kari Lake with the god awful lighting they setup for her, this is what I see 🤣

@Darthbecca Majority of Miami Dade is heavy Cuban population and for years they have always voted Republican, makes no sense but it's the norm for them 🤷🏽‍♂️

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