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Happy New Year CoSo!!! My advice this year will be the same as it has been. Be kind always. Work hard and hope for the best, the rest will will work its self out. Never hold back love or forgiveness. And finally live each day like it’s your last because you never know if there’s a tomorrow. 🥂

Lucky boosted
Lucky boosted

Haven’t been home in two weeks. Finally made it Denver airport, almost there!!!! Ugh though layovers.

This week I’m in Wisconsin. I just saw the most disturbing commercial on TV. You can buy your kids for Christmas a who is Donald Trump coloring book that comes with a limp dick Donny Christmas ornament. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

Lucky boosted

There probably isn't enough coffee in the world for today.

CoSo I need your help. I travel for work Ave in my room there’s a random quacking/buzzing sound coming from under the other bed….its either going to drive me insane or could possibly be a serial killer hiding under the bed and his Apple Watch is on vibrate and someone keeps texting him. 😂🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ do I call the front desk or say fuck it and put my headphones in and go to sleep

@th3j35t3r even though I no longer work behind the chair straight razoring is my favorite thing to do. Hot towel and a good scalp massage. Sometimes I miss being a barber

@th3j35t3r this is a question I ask myself quite often.

@th3j35t3r you know your doing something right when they start calling you a pedophile. I have often wondered how the people in Germany could not see the danger in it all. Now I’m watching it Play out in real time. Listening to my bro in law just spout regurgitated nonsense was so many things! Anger, frustration, sadness, he’s brainwashed.

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