Ok dumbest thing I heard from the debate is: Illegals are coming over taking Hispanic jobs…………..uhhhhh

@kel my dad is a down winder. He had cancer at 19

@kel OMG right! Both sides! I want to tell instead of trying to use fear to get people to act, how about we present the facts and inspire people. I’m so burnt out of the sky is falling it’s hard not to become apathetic to it all.

Can someone explain how old world pepperoni is so much better then regular pepperoni

@th3j35t3r @Alfred that’s kinda creepy if you really think about it. 😂

@kel I love owls so much 😭 like I’ve tried to talk in the living with me, but they won’t

Lucky boosted

Do you know how like when you meet or know one person and they are like they’re one way but then they’re not and they turn out to be something completely different but in a good way that’s a cool thing to happen you know.

Lucky boosted

@LiberalLibrarian Also rustlers, cutthroats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, bandits, muggers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, penis wrinkles, shit-goblins, shit-gibbons, ranchmeisers, malcrepits, boordinglers, ghoulborkers, mashdribblets, copiwanknuts, incels, bad-smells, klinker-pickers, clagnut-harvesters... and twatwaffles... and Elon Musk

@spacesloth man for a second I thought you were quoting the fun loving criminals 😂

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