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The chaos has ended and family has left. And the quiet has me thinking about gratitude. Of places I’ve been and places I’m going, I’m so grateful for my life. The good, the bad, the ugly. The happy times and the dark times. All of it has made me who I am today. I like that person. I’m grateful I have learned to embrace life instead of hide and numb myself to it. Most of all I’m grateful for the relationships I have and that I can love and be loved in return. Thank you for role in that CoSo. 😘

@FrankCannon 😂🥰 yes we celebrate throwing the oppressors shackles and you celebrate grilling rid of free loaders……..🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

It’s a Monday!!! Finally back home, finally feeling better, finally get to go to new office, and the lockbox won’t open!!! 🍻

@kel are we having an existential turkey crisis? Step away from Turkey slowly 😁 see I helped yes?

@ecksmc now that’s going to be stuck in my head all night

Lucky boosted

Many men wish death upon me
Blood in my eye, dawg, and I can't see

Many men
Many, many, many, many men
Wish death 'pon me
Lord, I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more
Have mercy on me

Happy Caturday!! Olive is so happy I’m finally negative for Covid she is standing on me and won’t move. 😂

Lucky boosted

Waiting for pizza to arrive is so hard! Can I have thoughts and prayers please.

@JerichoTaskerDeaux holy fuck that’s so cute!!! I want a lizard that gets excited when they see me.

I’m not a CoSo OG. I joined Nov 2022. It’s been a hell of a year!! The fact that I found a place that keeps my attention this long is kinda unbelievable. Usually I’m my world my thoughts are so different. I still can’t believe when people here take the thoughts right out of my head! This place is AWESOME!! So many people say why so much better than I. Ha that rhymed. Happy Birthday CoSo!!! Or

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