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The ringing in my ears is so loud and needs to stop.

@kel I have been able to spend the past month in Portland for work. The trees are stunning. I never made it downtown but stayed mostly in Clackamas. Such a fascinating place.

Nooooo covid!!! Fuck me! I don’t have time to be sick. Man I feel horrible.

Lucky boosted


Well, if the past years have been you playing around—which have appeared to be deadly serious and arduous—then the next chapter is gonna be incredible.

And most important, hopefully even better for you.

@th3j35t3r ✌️❤️‍🔥 & 🃏 Right on! Congratulations your baby is growing up. I would be proud of what you’ve been able to achieve here. Cheers 🥂

@FrankCannon I just tried. I couldn’t do it. 😂🤣 I hate that man’s voice. 😂 but the highlights are pretty epic. Which makes me wonder what the actual fuck! 😂🤣 why and how.

@FrankCannon 😂 I’ve been flying and working all day. I missed it. I will have to watch

Lucky boosted

@Render I am not sure what this means in your day to day…and I understand the laser focused drive.

You provide vauable insight and experience—no matter where you choose to be, and I know you will continue on.

I hope to be able to keep up with you and Phase willing to assist as is feasible with your needs.

I appreciate you both

@spacesloth omg I love this post!!! It’s soo wholesome

Man addiction sucks!!! Not sure how I got out but so sick of it taking people! If your still out there lost in the darkness if it’s hard to hear anything because of all the noise in your head please hear this!! It’s never too late, your are never too far gone as long as your breathing, and you are worth it.

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