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I have read and watched many versions of sleepy hollow but why is it so fascinating
When Keith Morrison reads it 😂🤣😂🤣

@spacesloth okokokok I give no hamburgerlers they scary scary man

@spacesloth ummm you’re tired and want to sleep because you keep waking yourself up every 15 mins all night 😂🤣😂🤣

@spacesloth urs the tunnels look super fascinating!!! I love those stories 😂

Lucky boosted

Guys headed to Portland to work this week. I get a rate day off today and want to explore. Where should I go?

@th3j35t3r is that your joke??? 😂 swearing at me??? You said you wanted to tell a joke. You said hey like one was coming

@th3j35t3r also just take the compliment and gratitude…….it’s legitimate and genuine.

@th3j35t3r hey never ever ever discount making someone laugh when they’ve had a truly shitty day as anything less!!

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