@C_H_Antony Hello new buddy! Thank you for joining me on the journey!
I want to thank you for sharing these stories of other and older cultures' myths and folklore.
I don't always have time to read them all, but they're fascinating, and I never would have been aware of any of them if you didn't take the time!
btw, its #bandcampfriday and our new release just went up for it so if you're feeling able or keen to support independent artists down under, we'd greatly appreciate it! You can use the code cosofam too if you want to get our back catalogue with a discount x https://lilyunsub.bandcamp.com/album/ptsd-ep
Thanks to @NiveusLepus I wrote a new thing. #Family #love
Good afternoon groovy souls! I've had a full day at the gym and doing work meetings.
How is coso land?
I get to see @wolfwoman next week! I'm so excited.
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.