@stueytheround I wish you all were here with me! It would be super perfect!
@matuzalem indeed. The great capitalist pilgrimage.
I’ve been travelling so I haven’t had a chance to promote but I’m over the moon. Be certain to check the special thanks where I praise the contributions of @wolfwoman . She was instrumental in vetting the final manuscript !
@Bix Yeah... because Russia objectively violated the sovereignty and rights of a free nation and people.
One is supposed to be outraged at the naked application of violence and evil.
@cornered What up Squirrel?
@Armchaircouch The fire orange lights of a new day, like a furnace ignite over the horizon.
Hope your Friday is a great day buddy!
Good morning groovy souls!
Yesterday, rather predictably if you know me, I ate way to many snacks and was a lump in my chair.
Today, I'm on the bounce, on my way to Orlando.
After that, I have a little time to cool my paws.
Amidst all the busy, I'm holding on to self care, focusing on priorities, and on Monday, I'm going to Disneyworld.
Those parks mean so much to my husband, and so we're doing a delayed 15th anniversary celebration at those parks.
Onward, toward the dawn!
@tyghebright Happiest birthday groovy soul! I hope its a... roaring good time! May this next year be your best and brightest.
You're presence in my days is a true gift.
@Valkyrie_D @Warpspeed3 @BosmangBeratna
Oh it was a fine experience! I was quite impressed.
Starbucks is often considered the go to here in the states, but I honestly don't like their coffee, probably because theirs is geared to be a mixer, and not just on its own.
@Valkyrie_D @Warpspeed3 WHen I visited @BosmangBeratna up in Canada he asked me what I wanted to do while there.
"I want to try Tim Horton's coffee" I replied without skipping a beat.
@JoyfullyDazed As the world rushes to tear itself apart, as humans wage their wars, and division tears apart communities, resisting that entropy, and refusing to fall to hatred is a revolutionary act.
Holding on to hope in the freezing night of others hatred and indifference is the epitome of strength.
@MLClark Thanks... I don't need to sleep, eve again 0_0 ^_^
@process You know you've messed up when the Irish are like "Get em Redcoat!"
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.