@InvaderGzim that is a very happy rabbit
@InvaderGzim it is an honor to be thought of Mr Bear! I hope you’re having the raddest of weekends!
@brainwise I'm glad you got back inside! The brownies love to play their tricks.
@singlemaltgirl Gifs are a modern form of pictographic communication that could have only arisen as an effective communication method as a result of a shared meta culture that largely spans the earth.
It's a progression to visual language that is taking us back around to the beginning of language. It's quite fascinating and that is why I'm such a fan.
A moving picture is worth ten thousand words.
I want to thank you for sharing these stories of other and older cultures' myths and folklore.
I don't always have time to read them all, but they're fascinating, and I never would have been aware of any of them if you didn't take the time!
@stueytheround ^_^ One is happy to be of service.
@BosmangBeratna Up in the atmosphere... Up where the air is clear! Bosmang's high... as a kite!
@misslovelymess Do... do you want a hug?
@poemblaze @pr10n @piquant00 How are you doing post procedure?
@danielbsmith @Jorro I'm glad he didn't ask him for spelling advice.
@pr10n @poemblaze @piquant00 Yes! A dentist asked once why I was staring at him. I told him, I can see what you're doing in your glasses and its cool!
He paused for a moment. I guess I surprised him.
@poemblaze @piquant00 I always ask if there's a way I can watch. Watching repairs is fascinating.
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.