@Minholkin Guitar Scales for days!
@Minholkin The Blizzard of Oz is really in his element. One of my favorite songs of his... THe way he kicks it off MR. Crowley...
@Minholkin Mr. Crowley
@DavidKMresists @wolfwoman I think politicians in general are insincere. There's a certain mercenary quality to a national politician. They have to thread a needle.
@Qbae The Klingon empire would like to have a word... ^_^
@Vozy Today or tomorrow! Dad has me powerwashing a fence.
He calls its bonding, I call it manual labor. Good times.
@Jorro I was just saying today that I while I _Fundamentally_ disagree with Pence on a myriad of issues; he probably deserves a statue because he saved the country.
@Lindy That is worrisome. Hurricane shortages?
@TrueBloodNet Time for anarchy!
@poemblaze May the odds be ever in your favor!
@tyghebright @MLClark Tag me please when you post the links and I'll boost you to the nines! Go buddy go!
@tyghebright @MLClark That is a very grabby title... Interesting.
@Valkyrie_D I have often described music like this as Neo Baroque. It has ascending and descending scales, call and response...they are taking Bach and Pachelbel for all they are worth and it is glorious.
@Valkyrie_D I love the tonal progressions in this song. It's so compelling.
@Lindy Theoretically, depending on ones geographic location.
Technically it's always morning somewhere, but it roams.
Good morning bright soul!
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.