#Gym Stats!
It was another solid day at the gym. It looks like my cardio fitness is improving further. I'm working on muscle endurance, but that progress feels slower. From a breathing and heart rate standpoint I feel like I can run forever, but the legs get tired.
I'm working on that, and finding ways to push
Most gyms have little cliches and motivational sayings on the wall. The one on the island though I got a lot from.
The secret to success is consistency in purpose.
Good morning all you renegade eccentrics!
Alright, warm up, journaling, morning meditation all of that is done.
That means it's gym time!
Day 4 of 6 let's get to it!
#Gym Stats!
It was a good solid day at the gym, and I just kind of flowed through it. The runs work me pretty decently but it's getting easier to do that work. My HR is staying in the 140s, I'm getting used to the effort, which means it should be easier to push going forward.
There were times and there are times where I felt like I would never get past where I was but that's all illusion. Every day is a step towards who we choose to be.
This day melted by like a popsicle in the Texas Summer sun...
It's been so full, but I checked those boxes. The blurb is done, I wrote my next chapter, got the chores caught up and the house mostly clean after my trip.
I even got my Yoga going!
I am a tired beast.
Good night all you renegade eccentrics. It has been a great day, because you've been there to spend it with me, because there has been enough, because there has been and always will be, hope.
Onward towards the dawn!
This is such a rad concept and I'm totally here for it!
"Neon Odin is vvilderness' side project. Synthwave sounds combined with guitar riffs and shards of north european folk played on homemade folk instruments."
#cosomusic @elmaxx Tech priest brother, you may love this!
#Gym stats!
It's been such a busy morning! I got done at the gym about 3.5 hours ago but then there were chores, and then more chores!
I got done with my shower to find I had forgotten to empty the dishwasher, second mediation Meditation, then it was finally time for breakfast, only for Mom to call
Life is like that sometimes, but the time is going to pass anyway. On the other side of the work and the busy, I have the benefit of all of it.
What's worth it is worth it!
Good night groovy souls!
It's time to curl up on the mat and rest a while.
Its been a full day, with progress on my soon to be released novel, and my current novel project. There's been lots of cleaning, and even a little rest time thrown in.
A day where we can see our progress forward is a blessing.
Onward, towards the dawn! Be excellent to each other!
#Gym stats!
This week is a "deloading" week. I cut my cardio by half an hour, and go a little easier to give the body a chance to rebuild and get stronger.
I do this every 4 to 5 weeks, largely following the recommendation of my app. This minimizes the risk of injury from over training.... mostly.
I like to push!
It is a great day because we breathe, because we have 24 glorious hours of pure and perfect possibility!
#workout #gym #motivation #fitness #neverquit #beatyesterday #run
Good night Cosofam. It's time for me to curl up and rest.
Back to home gym in the morning!
Ive been thinking a lot today about my conversation with @MLClark and all the trouble in the world.
There's always been a handful of people striving to make the world better while others made different darker choices.
Slowly, sometimes painfully, there has been progress.
I think of our times now. We who seek a better world are more united than ever.
Dear ones, let us push towards a brighter dawn!
Good night groovy souls!
Today has been a day of new lessons to learn, and much needed rest.
Things did not go as I expected them to but it wasn't bad, just different.
Learning happens with every step!
Thank you Coso fam for being a consistent bright spot every day. Your light shines brightly!
Onward, towards the dawn!
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.