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As you work today, think of yourself as the 'advance team' for your future self.

Do things that will make things easier for yourself tomorrow.

You are your best ally.

You will NEVER regret the planning, work or extra effort you put in for yourself 'yesterday'.


You mean this part?

We need 70% less coders from third parties to code as the AI handles most of the coding, the human only needs to look at the final 30% to validate it, that's a big savings for the company moving forward.


You want to know which companies are incompetent when it comes to tech? Look no further than BP oil's earnings call yesterday.

It's time to start pointing out that making fun of old people isn't okay. For some reason, even though society started realizing that making fun of people for their race, nationality, gender, etc was not okay - but elderly people are apparently fair game. Which is really odd to me, since everyone - if you are LUCKY - will eventually become old.

There are a LOT of companies who think outsourcing any IT (such as hiring a dev firm to build a new app) is just a matter of hiring them for 6 months and they'll magically come back with a finished product that works perfectly. You have to know enough about IT to manage any project, you can't just had it off like a car repair. The result is shoddy systems everywhere, often leading to security breaches, clunky apps and companies baffled/unaware as to why their systems are broken.

PSA: If you see a thread on Reddit or Lemmy and you have no real knowledge of the subject being discussed, it's perfectly fine NOT TO COMMENT.

This isn't coming out until late March, but it's worth waiting for...

Music labels typically take between 80% to 85% of the revenue generated by an artist. Some labels are considered 'good' because they only take 50%.

Indie band Cheekface is being interviewed on Twitch by Anthony Fantano - interesting note is that once they started making money, then labels starting contacting them and wanted 50% of the take if they signed. Their point: why would we sign with a label to make LESS money than now?

In-office workers - and managers - are generally the worst productivity performers. I just listened to two managers talk at length about flying to meet in person and go over something 'important' in two weeks - and all I could ask is, 'Why are you waiting two weeks to do this? Why not just meet today?' Lazy. Any company entirely working in offices is falling behind, fast.

I find it fascinating that Sports Illustrated didn't die off because the print industry has dramatically decreased, the magazine died because of terrible management and taking on way too much debt.

Rubber Biscuit - The Chips (1956) - you might have thought this was a Blues Brothers song, but that was a cover.

Corporations: "Let's raise prices and claim it's just inflation!"

Also corporations: "Hmm, after we raised prices, sales dropped. Should we lower prices or just lay off employees?"

When Yogi Bear said he was 'smarter than the average bear', everyone thought it was a joke, but he spoke English to humans, wore a hat and tie, and Ranger Smith complained that 'keeping a secret from Yogi is 'like hiding Lake Michigan from a duck'.

So Yogi is smarter than the average bear, and it's not even close.

We've officially reached the 'I don't subscribe to that service, so I'll just skip the game' era of streaming.

A Crypto Hedge Fund created a fake CEO, got endorsed by celebrities such as Steve Wozniak and the promptly lost (stole) $1.3B.

The kicker? Several publications and forums had been saying he was a fake - with evidence - the entire time and no one could find a record he existed...and yet people still gave money to the hedge fund.

Getting measured based on your productivity terrifies lazy employees. That's why your laziest employees prefer to work in an office, because they get 'credit' for working by just sitting in a cubicle all day.

Remote workers are evaluated based on productivity, not how long they sat in a little box and did nothing.

For iOS users, I am aware of a bug on where you have to click the 'play' button twice to hear tracks on the front page. Working on it, but I don't want to push a fix until it's been fully tested, etc.

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Marcus Shockley

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.