A Crypto Hedge Fund created a fake CEO, got endorsed by celebrities such as Steve Wozniak and the promptly lost (stole) $1.3B.
The kicker? Several publications and forums had been saying he was a fake - with evidence - the entire time and no one could find a record he existed...and yet people still gave money to the hedge fund.
Quick note on data security - you and your organization should NEVER use Microsoft Teams.
Teams attempts to track, analyze and store everything you do (not just in Teams, but in Outlook, web, docs, voice meetings) - it tracks who was on the email (or in meeting), what the topic was, what each person said.
If does this in order to create 'performance metric scores'. Oh, and all of that data it's gleaning is going off network to their servers.
I Hate My Job, What Next?
A practical primer on how to make a move to independence:
If you're a software dev and trying to build a side hustle/solo dev project and can't seem to get traction, please check out the article and hope it helps:
You've Been Trained To Solve The Wrong Problems
https://www.atomicrepublic.com/article/1--Youve-Been-Trained-To-Solve-The-Wrong-Problems #tech #startup #dev
Latino Tech Demigod.
Currently building a new platform for indpendent music artists to sell more music at MusicMachina.com
Founder: NCSN