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@JV3MJD whoa, whoa, whoa... Why are we complimenting him? Nosferatu was a handsome fellow...

@RickASamuelson lmao at a glance, without reading, I thought that was Ted Cruz. I was like,"why is Ted Cruz wearing clown makeup...?"

@Nerdsleaze that's what I did before. Basically it was a laziness diet. I would get reeeeealy comfortable, so when I started getting hungry, it wouldn't be worth moving.

@docnad he's playing don't fear the reaper... I suppose the tenant could be screaming, "needs more cowbell!"

@Nerdsleaze you good, looks like you could tough it out another week, with what you have in the fridge

@Nerdsleaze tap water here keeps coming back as "slightly" unsafe. Bottles and money out the window here, as they keep raising prices

@MrsArtois best wishes to Cosmo and you all. Hopefully Cosmo feels better soon, and you all stay feeling well

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