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"Pardon me, officer, can you tell me where they moved Hudson Street?"
Original art
The New Yorker, March 17, 1928
Jack Markow:  On the Construction Site

The original 1973 book cover art for Don Martin Carries On was sold on April 17, 2024 at Heritage Auctions. The illustration speaks for itself.
Original Book Cover Art:  Don Martin Carries On

"Why, it's Mrs. Courtney Richardson, Senior—she's heading this way!"
Original art
The New Yorker, February 12, 1944
Peter Arno:  Skating in Rockefeller Center

"One would think she'd be subject to a series of nasty colds."
Original art
The New Yorker, October 23, 1937
Peter Arno:  Prone to Illness?

With original drawings by Henry Martin, Bill Woodman, Marvin Tannenberg, Sam Gross, and Roland Michaud
Jack and Betty's Copy of The Art in Cartooning

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