@Baar_orso people are so busy talking about the dune bucket, they slept on this one. This should be everywhere. I love it.

@MrsArtois that's fantastic news that you're both on the mend. I was starting to worry about you both.

@pewtergod I want one, but I'm being frugal. I'm also pretty sure the little plague Dr plush existed pre pandemic

@thereg001 @cornered same here. I like black licorice. I also like candy corn. Brach's (for those who get have it available in their area) makes theirs with honey, so if you like honey it's a win

@Christmas_Snow @th3j35t3r I didn't know the squeeze bottles are better. The people I know, and have seen use it, use the squeeze bottles. As for cleaning, yes. I would imagine cleaning after every use would be ideal

@Graci never stopped. I interact with immunocompromised people, so going maskless is a no no. Also bonus not getting sick since pre COVID, and it's a blessing to not have to constantly fake smiles. I don't play with others, so people who don't like it means less people to avoid dealing with

@Christmas_Snow @th3j35t3r unfortunately most western peeps don't buy into it, but I've seen them in use, and know people who swear by it. Basically as long as it's distilled water or clean water, it's great to irrigate the sinuses. Not very popular though, due to oddness and a few people who didn't know how to do it properly

@th3j35t3r wait... if he got hacked, why do these look like standard everyday posts from him and his father

@Vikky I feel seen here. Only difference is mine get confused when they get close to each other, then have moment of primal, dark, and existential crisis... then start screaming again

@phase2 That's what I'm saying! Plus those who had to hide it until they felt "too old". We need more goths on here

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