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@Cosmichomicide ugh it is. All of it. And now I’m hangry.

It used to be my go to lunch spot when I worked near downtown Cleveland. Luckily we have a nearby location in the burbs within reasonable distance from the new hospital.

@Cosmichomicide agreed. Also, have you ever had the Taza Chicken Salad from Aladdin’s? Because it haunts my dreams, but in a good way.

@th3j35t3r don’t give up your day (and night and night and day) job to become a dad joke comedian.

Every now and then I see a subtoot by a Naut concerned that some of us dick with @th3j35t3r at our own peril or he might get upset. Please don't worry. J and some of the OG Nauts have a long standing agreement. We give him shit as our love language. He reciprocates by being a real human who shits and farts like any other person on earth. Worry when we ask him why he hates onsie jammies 😂

Depression Show more

@SaltyVeruca I essentially told them so when I replied to their letter. I get that the state has to monitor attendance, but you would think we would have learned a lesson from the last 5 years.

@MelissaHDavis frankly I am surprised she hasn’t puked already. She’s one of those every fever every time cookie tossers🤢

@SaltyVeruca it certainly won’t in my opinion. But we have received an attendance letter earlier in the year and that burns me up. Unless her fever vanishes without a trace well before dinner time, she’s probably going to be my sidekick tomorrow.

Also mentioned her classroom was very hot but she felt good playing outside. 🤔

Kiddo got in the car and said, “my eyes hurt from all the screens today.” She only ate the orange I put in her snack tin, not the rice Krispy treat. She said she felt like she wanted to just go to sleep when they were doing their iPad literacy app. Sure enough she has a fever. Checked her water bottle, looks like she barely had 2 oz. 🧐 Now comes the mental gymnastics of deciding if she’s having a fever from dehydration or if she has a virus. To go to school tomorrow or not to go?

@BenA Nope. I won’t say it. I will only scream it.

JFC, I literally have an envelope in my filing cabinet with thousands of dollars it for (not if but) when my insurance stops covering my fertility treatments. So yeah.

Tofu lo mein is one of those weird meals that’s better reheated.

She claims she just “doesn’t know how to use PowerPoint.”

And she’s a whole nurse.


On a lighter note: my iPhone is apparently doing Karma’s blessed work on my behalf.

I have a coworker who abuses my kindness and people pleasing nature. And she is messaging me about essentially doing her homework for her for nursing school (again.) I’ve replied to her every message, not exactly saying no (again—people pleaser. I don’t love that about me.) and for some reason she does not seem to be receiving my messages. I’m not sure who to thank, Apple or Karma…. But I am grateful.

@MotherDucker @BrentSullivan the ongoing attack on the body autonomy of the majority of our population is the scariest thing that has happened in my lifetime. It terrifies me to leave my daughters in a world like this.

@Gambit_1 @BrentSullivan thank you, and not to diminish any particular crisis in any way, the uneven amount of coverage is another thorn in my paw.

The more one thing is covered the more outrage and action (good or bad) it garners.

I think the media has become bored of covering the removal of women’s bodily autonomy and right to healthcare in the US. It’s not as sexy as war. And it’s an age old story of fucking oppression and patriarchy. 😮‍💨

@BrentSullivan I appreciate the civil discourse. I appreciate that we can have differences of opinion and not, ourselves, devolve into something uncomfortable for our friends here on . 🕊️

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