This should seem pretty obvious, but bigotry absolutely qualifies as community abuse and is therefore not tolerated here.
So relax. On CounterSocial, you're free to be yourself. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial's zero-tolerance policy towards community abuse also applies to misinformation. If you see someone spreading malicious lies, you are highly encouraged to report them immediately.
Ours is a unique community, and it's on each of us to help keep it that way. #CoSoTips
A hearty welcome to all the new folks on CoSo!
A word of warning, though… A few of you are coming in here in full fight mode, spewing negativity in all directions. This community is not Twitter 2.0 and it’s…jarring.
CoSo isn’t full of toxic positivity either, but mutual respect and acknowledgment of the humanity behind each post is very much the default as well as the rule.
Please take some time to get a feel for the community. If you come in just looking for a fight, you won’t last long.
Sniper Dubbed 'Ukrainian Joan Of Arc' Shares What Saved Her Life
@unixdoss !!!!! 👋👋👋👋👋 So happy to see you here! 🥰
🔭💚🔭 My first attempt at Mars.
Celestron StarSense 8”, 25mm eyepiece w/ Barlow 2x lense & iPhone14.
#Astrophotography #Mars #Space #Chill
This is a Ukrainian soldier greeted by his grandmother right after liberation of Kherson. Anyone with even a bit of emotional intelligence will understand this video and what the people are feeling right now.
Gotta admit, this thought had never even occurred to me before reading this article from MIT Tech:
"Twitter’s potential collapse could wipe out vast records of recent human history: What happens when the world’s knowledge is held in a quasi-public square owned by a private company that could soon go out of business?"
There is something wonderful about #CoSo that needs more publicity. Kindness. Everyone I’ve come across here, regardless of interests or hobbies or culture or yes, even #politics have been overwhelmingly kind. I’ve seen no other social network so protective of each other and so incredibly nice to one another. Yeah, I’m here to stay. Thanks ever so much @th3j35t3r. #CoSoRocks
@cakikeith 👋👋👋 great to see you here! 🥰
So, about an hour ago, at midnight eastern,... Jack, former CEO of Twitter sent out a cryptic tweet, simply a number,....
No meaning, nothing,......
So I did some digging, trying to discover what this number means and I think I found it,.... and it aint good for Elon.
Twitter operates with a digital certification, issued by DigiCert, in 30 days it expires,..... when it expires Twitter goes dark if it isnt renewed.
I could be Wrong, thoughts @th3j35t3r ?
🍣 Lover🌲Hugger 🔭 AstroNerd 🗳️ Vote
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito”.
~ The Dalai Lama