🔥🔥🔥The estate of Tom Petty has told Kari Lake to stop using “I Won’t Back Down” during campaign events.
Nice! 🔥
Source 👇👇
CounterSocial is place of sanity, fun and positivity. 💙
It is built on the principle of protecting users from cyber attacks.
Zero tolerance for trolls, bots, ads, harassment, and disinformation.
And it is certainly Not the new twitter.
Please be kind and considerate to others.
Follower counts do not matter. I'm making progress preening mine to illustrate this point.
You're measured by the quality of your posts, not the number of followers you have. #CoSoTips
If you're having issues, it's probably because an asshat billionaire decided to murder a blue bird in broad daylight.
We appreciate your continued patience and support as we rapidly expand capacity for our new friends. #CoSoTips
#cosoDemocrat #cosoparty #cosobluewave
Yea for Arizona!!
I’ve gained more from coso in the past couple of weeks than I have during the past 5 years of the bird.
Interactions here are genuine.
Them’s the facts.
Protip: Never roast marshmallows by the light of a garbage fire. #RIPTwitter
Big news: Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney just overturned Georgia’s 6-week abortion ban. https://apnews.com/article/abortion-us-supreme-court-health-government-and-politics-atlanta-58ba677dd47afad6d25d9887f17e8763
Foster kittens (not with me). Each row is one of the kittens still available to adopt.
Their carers gave them names inspired by #StephenKing's #TheStand. Their mum is Abigail and the babies (all 5) are Stu, Harold, Nadine, Ralph and Glen.
Always a fave!
🎼🎶🎵♥️~Blue Deluxe~ Joe Bonamassa
‘Don’t feed the trolls’ really is good advice – here’s the evidence
"...While antisocial personality traits do play a role, what really influences trolling behaviour is the social pleasure derived from knowing that others are annoyed by it.
The more negative social impact the troll has, the more their behaviour is reinforced."
🍣 Lover🌲Hugger 🔭 AstroNerd 🗳️ Vote
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito”.
~ The Dalai Lama